Horological Association of Maryland, Inc.

November Newsletter 2008
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Club Officers for 2009
President          Al Takatsch              al_taka@yahoo.com
Vice President Bob Rothen              timefxr@aol.com
Secretary          Dave Hannamann  david-patricia@verizon.net
Treasurer          Stan Craig                timewatch@peoplepc.com
Sergeant-At-Arms   Earl Knight      earljan@hughes.net
Board Members
George Painter 09                  grpainter@comcast.net
George Tresansky 09           geotnant@aol.com
Brett Louis 09                         blouis@hst.nasa.gov
Dan Spath 10                          daspath@verizon.net
Leroy Roberts 10                   leroyfroberts@comcast.net
Larry Eichelberger 10           larryandkime@yahoo.com
David Grau 10                         dg33@verizon.net
Jack Kennan 09                 jgkennan@webtv.net
Next Workshop
Monday November:  24th 2008
Bring your projects to work on. We'll also be showing Bob Tascione Clock Repair Technics in the Video Room



To my friends at HAM,


Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be President of the club over the past 2 years.  And major thanks to the many people who contributed their time and energy into making HAM a place of learning.  Most importantly, thank you for the camaraderie, fun times, and laughter in which we all shared.  I can’t imagine hanging out with a finer group of people than the members of HAM.  You’re all terrific!


Al and I have completed, through the efforts of our transition teams, the passing of responsibility from my administration to his.  I know he will do a great job given his energy, creativity, talent as a clockmaker and in addition, being an all around good guy.


Once again, my many thanks to everyone for everything.


Best regards,



Thanks everyone for voting us in at the last meeting. Your checks will be in the mail shortly. Such a close race can make the heart skip a beat but we made it through another election ok.


Thanks Dave for pulling the duties of President these past two years, participation is what keeps us together. I will do my best for the next year or two.


We are one of the few clubs in the country doing our part in keeping Horology alive. We do this for the love of working at our benches and the many hours spent reading and reviewing technical articles. There seems to be no end to what we can learn and become better at our craft. How many people do you know could say that about what they do?


Now that I’m older, I find Clock Repairing enjoyable, not because it is easy or quick, instead I love it because it is very challenging.

-Horology has different meanings for our members

-For our hobbyists, this is a relaxing and rewarding past time you treasure.

-Retired Master, you find enjoyment passing on the trade to others and develop new friendships.

-For Professionals, they make a living from it and come across many types of clocks in a short period of time.

-For all of us it’s the perfect excuse to buy More Tools!!


I want to add something to our club meeting introductions, I’d like to ask for a couple of words about what we are working on and any thoughts that come up. If you need more time or questions result, take all the time you need. This should add to the continuity of our club and make all of us more in tune with each others projects and thoughts. Also the new guys will find out what we are so good at so much faster.


So that’s it for now, Thanks for your vote of confidence.

See you Monday,


Al Takatsch

2009 President


ps The Durward R. Center Home Tour attended by several members went very well. George Tresansky shared some photo's with us. Quite a house full of antiques and Tower Clocks. The thumbnails below expand when you click on them. My apologies in advance to our dial-up clan.




HAM 27 October 2008 Meeting Minutes


In attendance were: Al Takatsch, Stan Craig, Earl Knight, Brett Louis, Bob Rothen, Dan Spath, John Ryea, Jack Bishop, George Tresansky, Bill Miller, Don Buck, Jack Kennan, George Painter, Larry Eichelberger, Leroy Roberts and David Hannemann. (I Think!!)


Old Business:  Al Takatsch presented a bill of $59.40 for Website.


New Business:  David Grau opened the meeting with a request to nominate officers for the Horological Association of Maryland (HAM): President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Sergeant-at-Arms and Board of Director’s. 


George Tresansky nominated Al Takatsch for President which was seconded. 

Al Takatsch nominated Bob Rothen for Vice President which was seconded.

David Grau asked Stan Craig if he would remain Treasurer and he agreed.

David Grau also asked David Hannemann if he would remain Secretary and he also agreed.  Finally, Earl Knight agreed to remain as Sergeant-at-Arms.


The following individuals have been nominated for Director’s of the Association: Brett Louis, , Dan Spath, Leroy Roberts, Larry Eichelberger and Brett Louis.  George Painter George Tresansky were elected last year and still have one more year to serve.  David Grau, as past president, is automatically selected to serve on the Board.


Election of Officers will be held at our November 10th, meeting. 


Stan Craig discussed continuing our affiliation with AWCI and payment for dues for the HAM as well as the president.  The members present unanimously agreed to continue our affiliation with AWCI for 2009 as well as contributing $25 for the ELM Charitable contribution for continuing education..  However, Stan Craig canvassed the membership to determine how many members of AWCI as this information may impact our continued membership.


The annual HAM Board meeting will be held at George Tresansky’s home on December 7th.  George’s address is:  5110 Ella Court, Jefferson, MD  21755


Larry Eichelberger, our newest member, won the 50/50 drawing.


Our next meeting is scheduled for 10 November the Howard County Senior Center.


Respectfully submitted,

David Hannemann, Secretary


HAM 10 November 2008  Meeting Minutes


In attendance were: Al Takatsch, Stan Craig, Earl Knight, Brett Louis, Bob Rothen, Dan Spath, John Ryea, George Tresansky, Bill Miller,  Jack Kennan, George Painter, John Kuntz,  David Grau, Jerry Kincade, George Robinson and David Hannemann. (I Think!!)


Old Business:  There was no old business.


New Business:  Balloting for the officers and Director’s occurred and the results were unanimous.  The officers and Director’s are:


Al Takasch, President

Bob Rothen, Vice President

Stan Craig , Treasurer

David Hannemann, Secretary

Earl Knight, Sergeant-at-Arms


Dan Spath, Director (09-10)

Leroy Roberts, Director (09-10)

Larry Eichelberger, Director (09-10)

David Grau, Director (09-10)


Stan Craig presented the Treasurers report and announced the association is still solvent.  There was no Secretary’s report.


The following members met at Durward Center’s home for a tour on 11 November:

David Grau, Leroy Roberts and wife, Bret Louis and son, George Tresansky, Earl Knight and David Hannemann and wife. 


The annual Horology Association of Maryland Board meeting will be held at George Tresansky’s home on December 7th. 

George’s address is: 

5110 Ella Court, Jefferson, MD  21755


Brett Louis finally won the 50/50 drawing.


Our next meeting is scheduled for 24 November the Howard County Senior Center.


Respectfully submitted,

David Hannemann, Secretary




Need Watch Supplies and Tools?

Durward Center’s Home Tour on November 11.  Click on Thumbnail for larger Picture

























Horological Association of Maryland, Inc.
Secretary Kevin Casker kcasker@gmail.com
Webmaster David Grau dg33@verizon.net
