HAM 9 November 2009 Meeting
In attendance were: Al Takatsch, Dan
Spath, George Tresansky, Stanley Craig, Jack Kennan, Wilbur Robinson, Bill Miller, George Painter, Leroy Roberts, Brett
Louis, Dave Booth and Andy Abendschoen.
Al started the meeting with the 50/50
raffle (won by George Painter), and had the group share highlights on their current projects.
Report: Accepted as presented.
Report: Minutes for the previous meeting were accepted as published.
New Business:
The list of nominations for new officers was presented. The recommended slate was seconded and approved.
Our new officers are:
President – Bob Rothen
Vice President – Dan Spath
Treasurer – Stan Craig
Secretary – LeRoy Roberts
Sergeant-at-arms – George Tresansky
Newsletter Editor – Bob Rothen
Membership – Andy Abendshoen and George Tresansky
Webmaster – Al Takatsch
Stan presented our membership list for attendees to update as needed. He will make any necessary
corrections and provide a computerized file to George T.
Dave Booth provided a demonstration on
re-pivoting a wooden clock movement. Thanks Dave, it was most interesting.
Respectfully submitted,
LeRoy Roberts, Secretary