HAM 14 June 2010 Meeting Minutes
In attendance were: Wilbur Robinson, Dan Spath, Stan Craig, Earl Knight, John Ryea, Leroy Roberts, Bob Rothen, Jack Kennan,
George Tresansky, George Painter, David Grau, Al Takatsch and John Bishop. Zareh Sarkissian was a visiting guest.
The meeting was opened by having each member introduce
their selves and describe their horological interest.
Treasures Report – accepted as presented
by Stan.
Secretaries Report – accepted as published
on the HAM web site.
New Business –
It was recommend and approved to send a member of the club to the AWCI conference in Ohio. Since Dan has represented us in the past he was asked if he was welling to do so again this year. Dan accepted.
Stan expressed concern that our meeting start time, scheduled for 7:30, is often delayed. All members agreed we would make a concerted effort to arrive and begin our meeting on time.
Future meeting agenda – Bob plans to present a demonstration on clock repivoting at the June 28 meeting. The 1st July meeting will be dedicated to watch related issues. Please e-mail Bob with any watch topics you would like covered during the July meeting.
In closing, Bob invited all club members to attend
the NWACC chapter 141 picnic as his guest. The picnic will be held on June 27
at Bob’s house. If you plan to attend, please provide Bob with a head count.
A discussion was led by Zareh on the process and
merits of AWCI’s policy for certifying watchmakers for the 21st century (CW21). In summation, the high grade watch manufacturers want their watches repaired only by technicians, and in
facilities that meet their established factory standards. Without their approval
the repairer will not be able to obtain genuine factory parts.
The door prize was won by Dan Spath.
Our next meeting is scheduled for June 28 at the
Howard County Senior Center.
Respectfully submitted,
LeRoy Roberts