HAM 26 October 2009 Meeting Minutes
In attendance were: Al Takatsch, Bob Rothen, Earl
Knight, Dan Spath, George Tresansky, Wilbur Robinson, Tom Koluch, Leroy Roberts, Brett Louis, Andy Abendschoen, George Painter,
Stan Craig, Jack Kennan, Dave Booth, Bill Miller, David Grau and David Hannemann.
New Business:
The 50/50 was won by Dave Hanneman.
Stan provided a summary of the AWCI member survey
previously conducted. He emphasized that our club’s make up was very similar
to most of the other clubs in the organization. Stan questioned if our membership
in the AWCI still provided benefit to us, and if not, in what direction should we go?
There was much discussion about exploring our options with NAWCC with the possibility of establishing a chapter with
emphasis on watch and clock repairing. There was agreement that we are not happy
with AWCI and should plan a trip to NAWCC headquarters to discuss our options with their management. No planned action was voted on.
Al called for nominations for club officers. The nominations are as follows:
President: Bob Rothen
Vice President: Dan Spath
Treasure: Stan Craig
Secretary: LeRoy Roberts
Sergeant-at-Arms: George Tresansky
Safety Officer: A motion was made to remove this position. Motion carried.
Membership: George Tresansky and Andy Abendshoen
Newsletter Editor: Bob Rothen
Webmaster: Al Takatsch
The perspective candidates and the Board of Directors
for 2010 will be voted on at our November 9 meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
LeRoy Roberts, Secretary