1. AWI Clockmaker Certification Examinations – November 1993
2. AWI Horological Times (December 1985, January 1990, and February 1990)
3. AWI The Watch and Clockmakers’ Buyer’s Guide – January 1982)
4. Chelsea Ships Bell Striker – Blueprint and Assembling the Strike Mechanism 8-25-1956
5. Clocks and Watches – Science Program
6. Dictionary of Clocks and Watches, Eric Bruton
7. Empire Clock, Inc., 1989 Catalogue
8. Empire Clock Co, Clock and Timer Parts Manual (1965-1966)
9. 400-Day Clock Repair Guide, Charles Terwilliger (Ninth Edition - 1984)
10. The Horolovar 400-Day Clock, Repair Guide, Charles Terwilliger (4 copies)
11. Hermle Black Forest Clocks (movement exploded diagrqams for: 771, 781-800, 791-680,130, 131, 132-071, 261-030, 140,
150, 141, 151, 141-031, 141-051, 241, 241-870, 340-020, 431-020, 350-020, 1050-029, 350-060, 351-030AQ, 351-051, 451- 030,
1151-030A, 451-050, 1151-050, 461-050, 1161-050, 461-853S, 1161-853, 471-050, 1171-050, 471-850, 1171-850, 977, 987, and 987M)
12. Hermle Spare parts catalogue (movement exploded diagrams for: 130, 131, 132-071, 140, 150, 141, 151, 141-031, 141-051,
241, 261, 340-020,341-020, 350-020, 350-060, 351-020, 351-031, 351-051, 451-050, 461-053, 1050-020, 1151-050, 1161- 053, 540,
541, 876, and 865/945)
13. Herschede Technical Manual Up-Date (December 1, 1981)
14. How to Build 35 Great Clocks, Joseph Daniele
15. Marine Chronometer – Its History and Development, Rupert T. Gould, R.N.
16. NAWCC Bulletin (No’s. 204, 204, 205, 208 (Part 2) 240, 241, 242, 244, 252, 254, 256, 258, 259, 264, 267 and Supplement
No. 17 Clockmakers and Clockmaking of Southern Maine 1770-1870)
17. Questions and Answers of and for the Clockmaking Profession – Joseph G. Baier, Ph.D, CMW, James L. Tigner, CMW,
Marvin E. Whitner, CMW, CMC (2 copies)
18. Practical Clock Repairing, Donald de Carle, F.B.H.I.
19. Proper Use of the Watchmaker’s Graver, Homer A. Barkus
20. Rebushing Clock Plates (2 Xerox copies)
21. The Repair of American Wooden Geared Clock Movements, Hans Barlow
22. S.F. Myers & Co., Manufacturing Jeweler’s Catalogue (reproduction) 1972 Time Products Inc., catalogue No.
381 (Electric Clock Movements, Quartz Battery Movements, Electric Clock & Timer Motors, Hands, Numerals & Related
23. Revolution in Time, David S. Andes
24. Timesavers catalogue, No. 23
25. The Modern Clock, Ward L. Goodrich (2 copies) 1973 Unit XI Time and Strike Mechanisms (School of Clock Repair and Restoration
26. Utica Tool Co. Catalogue, 1985
27. Watchmakers & Clockmakers of the world, Volume 1, G.H. Baillie
28. Watchmakers & Clockmakers of the World, Volume 2, Brian Loomes
29. Westclox – Makers of Big Ben ( Models 74 and 74A
30. Watch and Clock Encyclopedia, Donald de Carle, F.B.H.I.
31. 19th Century American Clocks, H. G. Harris