Location of Meetings/Workshops Business Meetings:
St. John’s Church
2nd Monday of Jan, March
9202 Frederick Road
May, July, Sept. & Nov., 8 P.M.
Ellicott City, Md. Workshops: 4TH
Monday of each
I-695 to 70W to Rt.29S month except December. Workshops
To Rt.40W, Lt. on St.John’s Lane 2nd Monday of months above plus
Right on Frederick Road 4th Monday Feb,Apr,Jun,Aug
& Oct.
Interested in becoming a member? Name:
Annual Dues $25.00 Address:
Door fee Meetings, $3.00 Phone No.
Door fee Workshops, $4.00 Fax No.
March, 2007
17, NO 3
PRESIDENT: DAVE GRAU, dg33@mindspring.com
V. PRESIDENT: AL TAKATSCH,al_taka@yahoo.com
SERGEANT-AT-ARMS: EARL KNIGHT, earljan@mydirecway.com
JERRY KINCAID (07) tictoctwo@aol.com
BRETT LOUIS (07) no e-mail
DAN SPATH (07) daspath@verizon.net
GEORGE TRESANSKY (07) geotnant@aol.com
JACK KENNAN (08) jgkennan@webtv.net
GEORGE PAINTER (08) gpainter@adelphia.net
I thought I’d
lead off this month’s message by once again thanking Stan Craig and John Kuntz for sharing their expertise with fellow
HAM members. Their energy, dedication, and terrific instruction help to make HAM the terrific club that it is. And it’s not only John and Stan. So many of you (I’ll
forget to list someone’s name if I list individuals, but please know that your name is on the list!) have contributed
and continue to contribute to our group. To all of you, a huge “Thank you!”
As many of you know,
I consult with groups in organizations to help them to work well together. Those
are folks get paid for what they do and often times have a mission to ensure the health and well being of our nation’s
citizens (or their nations’ citizens, if I am working with individuals from another country). Many of those groups need a lot of help to get them on the right track.
And here, in our Association where we’re not saving lives and not getting paid, our “team” members
have fun, work well together, enjoy each other’s company, break bread twice a month (you know, the Double T is a pretty
good place to eat; for those of you who can make it and have yet to come to dinner before our meetings, you’re invited;
we meet at 6:15p) . . . to continue . . . we turn that camaraderie into just such a great club and such a wonderful group
of people who we have the pleasure to spend a little time with each month..
The workshops are going
well. We have an all-day workshop in the works for the end of June on the use of the lathe.
We’re advertising for new members in the Horological Times and the NAWCC mart.
In addition, we’ve talked about a field trip and next time we get together we can talk about making that happen.
As always, your constant
feedback as to what’s going well and what you’d like to see work better is always appreciated. Please let me know what you’re thinking, especially your ideas for moving us from great to even greater. Thanks!
That’s it for
this month, hope to see you all soon.
Newsletter: March 12 Meeting
Introductions were made, in attendance were:
Al Takatsch, Bill Miller, George Painter, George Tresansky, John Kuntz, Jack Bishop, Dan Spath, William McLean, John Reilly,
Dave Grau, Earl Knight, Bob Rothen, Jack Kennan, Brett Louis and Dave Hannemann.
The treasurer’s
report by Stan Craig showed that our treasury is still in good shape. The report was accepted unanimously. The secretary’s
report by John Reilly was accepted as well.
Old Business: Our April 9 meeting is confirmed
for the Howard County Senior Center (appropriate). From the church continue west
about a ¼ mile, take second left just behind the Library. Go to the back of the Center. The address is 9401 Frederick Road.
This is a workshop that will start at 7:30. We must be out by 10 PM sharp, so we’ll have to start cleanup by 9:45.
New Business: The Woodsboro Mart is April 28,
set up begins early but the doors open to members at 8 AM. The speaker and topic,
as of April 1, are undetermined. We plan to have a single table where we will hand out a blurb on the HAM, which Bob Rothen
will work up. We will hang our banner and refer interested persons to copies of the NAWCC mart with our new advertisement
in it. Your assistance in manning the table would be appreciated.
Dave Hannemann volunteered
to take the HAM Library and equipment to his house for storage. All requests
for books and videos will now go to him. He can be reached on-line at: david-patricia@verizon.net
At the April 9 workshop
John Kuntz will go over the time and strike clock mechanism, how it works and what to watch out for when reassembling. John
will bring some practice movements, but if you have your own to work on that would be preferred. The book that we will use for the workshop is “Striking Clocks” by Steven Conover. This is a great guide to repairing American clocks and is
readily available.
Dan Spath will ask the
AWCI board what they expect HAM to provide for the National meeting which is scheduled for Maryland 3 years from now. Based on that information we will decide if we want to go forward with the meeting
or withdraw our invitation. This would in all likelihood be a joint effort among
Virginia, Pennsylvania and MD.
We talked about having
an all-day workshop on Sunday June 24 at the Howard Co. Sr. Center. The suggestion was made to have a talk on the lathe at
one of the meetings and a hands-on at the all day workshop. This would be in addition to having members bring whatever they
want to work on.
The drawing was won by Dan Spath and the meeting
was adjourned around 9 PM.
The meeting was followed
by a talk with overheads given by Stan Craig on watch springs, how to handle, order and install. John Kuntz went over the
use of a clock spring winder and the dangers involved when replacing clock springs, some of which can be quite strong. Watch
and clock springs was the subject of our March 26 workshop. This is a very important
part of watch and clock repair and the details were well done by Stan and John Kuntz.
We thank both of them for their efforts.
Regards, John Reilly