Location of Meetings/Workshops Business Meetings:
St. John’s Church
2nd Monday of Jan, March
9202 Frederick Road
May, July, Sept. & Nov., 8 P.M.
Ellicott City, Md. Workshops: 4TH
Monday of each
I-695 to 70W to Rt.29S month except December. Workshops
To Rt.40W, Lt. on St.John’s Lane 2nd Monday of months above plus
Right on Frederick Road 4th Monday Feb,Apr,Jun,Aug
& Oct.
Interested in becoming a member? Name:
Annual Dues $25.00 Address:
Door fee Meetings, $3.00 Phone No.
Door fee Workshops, $4.00 Fax No.
Send $25.00 check to:
e-mail address:
Stan Craig, treasurer
February, 2007
17, NO 2
PRESIDENT: DAVE GRAU, dg33@mindspring.com
V. PRESIDENT: AL TAKATSCH, al_taka@yahoo.com
SERGEANT-AT-ARMS: EARL KNIGHT, earljan@mydirecway.com
JERRY KINCAID (07) tictoctwo@aol.com
BRETT LOUIS (07) no e-mail
DAN SPATH (07) daspath@verizon.net
GEORGE TRESANSKY (07) geotnant@aol.com
JACK KENNAN (08) jgkennan@webtv.net
GEORGE PAINTER (08) gpainter@adelphia.net
President’s Message and Newsletter February
It’s hard to believe
it is almost spring. And talking of springs, we are well into our syllabus on
watch repair (please forgive me for that). Stan has been giving his talks on
how to break down and put a watch back together, oiling, and looking up parts. He
has been great—thank you Stan! Dan has been there helping those working
on their projects, as well as others who are so willing to share their knowledge with the rest of us. Also, John Kuntz has graciously agreed to present a technical talk (how to take apart a clock and put it
back together) at one of our upcoming workshops
The club members expressed
their preference, at the last meeting, that they would like to have workshops alternate between wristwatch repair and clock
repair. To the extent that instructors are available, that will be our plan.
We also discussed testing
out another meeting room for the Tuesday, April 9 workshop. Stay tuned.
Again, any and all suggestions
are welcome. Please send them to me or to any board member.
Hope to see you all
on March 12.
This is a short newsletter
because we do not have a meeting in February, only workshops. Our workshops are
progressing nicely and I think a lot of members are getting more out of the structured lectures followed by hands-on in the
workshop. So far we have learned to disassemble a Swiss pocket watch and put
it back to running. We then had a lecture on oiling the same watch but due to
time constraints at that workshop, Stan demonstrated the oiling procedures. It
was amazing to see him disassemble a watch in about a minute and a half. He then
showed all of the places that get oil and places that get grease. His philosophy is that parts that slide against one another
get grease and those that don’t get oil. Wheel teeth never get anything.
He brought examples of the types of oil for watch pivots and pallet stones. He uses mainly synthetic oils that have low evaporation
rates and stay where they are put. He uses Mobius 8200 grease that is not as
thick as most greases; it flows out a little but is thick enough to be effective. He
then reassembled the watch and asked each of us to oil one on our own or we can use one of the association’s Swiss demonstration
movements at the next workshop to practice.
At the last workshop
on February 26, Stan brought several of his parts books and explained how to use each of them to order the right part. There are many and the task is not as easy as it would sound. There are many substitute
parts and parts that are interchangeable if you know how to go about looking them up.
If you can’t figure it out you can always call him or Dan Spath and they will set you straight.
While many members were
attending the lecture and demonstrations, others were doing their own thing and asking for help as needed.
It was brought up that
we must not loose our members that are interested in clock repair. When asked
for a show of hands on who is interested in clocks vs. watches, it was about 50/50 with many showing interest in both. So to that effect we discussed having a similar structured workshop series on clocks,
perhaps starting with a simple timepiece and progressing to a striking clock and then a time/strike/chime clock. Several of our members are capable of directing such a series and perhaps the duties can be shared by several
members, namely John Kuntz, Jack Bishop and George Tresansky. Dave Grau said
he would talk to John Kuntz about the matter and as you can read in his message, John has agreed to a technical talk at one
of the upcoming workshops.
Meantime, practice what
we have learned so far and come to the next meeting on March 12 at St. John’s Church beginning 8 PM. By the way, the drawing for the Dudley Masonic watch will take place on Tuesday the 13th at
7 PM at the Masonic lodge. So I will stay in touch with Mac and e-mail the name
of the winner on Wednesday morning. Good luck. See you on the 12th. Regards John Reilly