Newsletter and President’s
Message, November, 2006
This will be a short
newsletter as October was an off-meeting month. We had our all-day workshop at
Don Buck’s shore home on the Magothy River on Saturday Oct. 21. It was
a great place to have a workshop. Only a handful of members showed up, but those
that did had a great time and were treated to a beautiful day with great views of the Magothy from Don’s back porch. Don supplied bagels and coffee to get over the morning getters and we went out to
Windows-on-the-Bay restaurant for a seafood lunch. I would like to extend our
thanks to Don for the invite and Stan for coming all that way for a few members. Stan
really is a generous time giver.
I have arranged to have
the tour of George Thomas’ workshop on Sunday November 12. George wants to have it from 10 am until it’s over.
Since it’s his party well have to deal with that time frame. I realize
that some won’t make it because of church. George’s workshop is in his basement, therefore there are no facilities
for wheel chairs and space is at a premium. If more than 6 or 7 members come we will have 2 consecutive tours.
We will tally the ballots
at the November meeting and swear in new officers. There is a ballot following
this letter. Fill it in and send it to me or bring it to the meeting on the 13th.
Topics for the meeting will be:
1. How to get speakers
for the meetings.
2. Amending the constitution
to accommodate the realities of fewer members.
3. Where to hold the
director’s meeting in December.
We hope to have George
Painter’s friend bring his antique watch (@1600) to the meeting for viewing and a little historical information about
the watch. Dave Grau will give a talk on using eBay to purchase watches and clocks;
what the dangers are and how to maximize your success rate. John Ryea may assist.
We hope Jerry Kincaid
is doing well and John Kuntz and Lyons can stop working so hard and attend a meeting and workshop occasionally.
Regards, John Reilly
P.S. Just a reminder
that the HAM library is available to anyone anytime by letting me know what you would like to borrow. I have had only one request this year. I know you have a list of the publications because I have put it
in the newsletter several times. But just in case you have momentarily misplaced your copy, let me know and I will e-mail
you another copy for your files.
2006 Ballot
Horological Association of Maryland
Vote for one person for each office. Put your initials next to the candidate’s name.
President: David Grau
President: Al Takatsch
John Reilly
Stan Craig
Earl Knight
may write in a candidate(s) for any office in lieu of the ones presented.
of Directors: 2 year term, vote for two candidates
may write in a candidate(s) in lieu of the ones presented.
them with you to the November 13 meeting.
Location of Meetings/Workshops Business Meetings:
2nd Monday of Jan, March
May, July, Sept. & Nov., 8 P.M.
Workshops: 4TH Monday of each
month except December.
Interested in becoming a member? Name:
Annual Dues $25.00 Address:
Door fee Meetings, $3.00 Phone No.
Door fee Workshops, $4.00 Fax No.
e-mail address:
November, 2006
16, NO 11