HAM 22 February 2010 Meeting
In attendance were: Wilbur
Robinson, John Ryea, Leroy Roberts, Bob Rothen, Jack Kennan, George Tresansky, Brett Louis, George Painter, David Grau, Al
Takatsch, Bill Miller and Andy Abendschoen.
Our president, Bob Rothen, opened the
meeting with an update on Dan Spath’s status. Dan is improving and will be in rehab for several weeks.
We all look forward to Dan’s quick return to health and to HAM.
Due to the light attendance, Bob suspended
normal business reporting and moved directly to new business. A proposal was presented by George Tresansky
to grant Dan Spath and Stan Craig life time membership to HAM, retroactive to January 1st. The
proposal was seconded and approved.
A question was raised about the possibility
of holding a mart or auction at one of our meetings. Several members have collectibles they would like
to transfer to other collectors. Bob recommended attendees bring items for sale or trade to any meeting,
and further encouraged everyone to attend the next Woodsboro meeting to be held on April 17. The Woodsboro
mart will attract attendees from a broad area since it is sponsored by three clubs. Finally, items for
sale or trade can be listed on the HAM web site.
Bob provided brief instruction on servicing
Anniversary Clocks. He stressed the delicate balance the torsion spring plays in the operation of the clock.
It generally needs replacing do to mishandling by the owner. Other members shared their stories
of anniversary clock repairs.
The door prize was won by George Tresansky.
Our nest meeting is scheduled for March
8 at the Howard County Senior Center .
Respectfully submitted,
LeRoy Roberts